
Farran's picture


Hi everybody! I am Farran, the newest member of ZHP. Since this is my first post on the site, I figure it would be best to explain a little bit about who I am.

I hail from Corn Kingdom, also known as Illinois. I am currently attending school for a degree in biology (I start at the University of Illinois in the fall), but I already have an associate's degree in digital media from Parkland College. So, yes, as ZHP's designer, I actually have a piece of paper that says that I know what I am doing.

Anyway, as a bio major, I am hugely interested in the sciences, especially biology and paleontology. I am also somewhat of a computer enthusiast, and I am currently learning how to use the FreeBSD operating system more-or-less from the ground up and trying to refresh my knowledge of programming with C++. I hesitate to call myself a fan of cars, but I have an interest in practical knowledge of automotive technology (i.e. standard maintenance and simple, legal modifications; I can also identify a lot of production cars by sight).

When it comes to art, I consider myself a writer more than anything else. Worldbuilding is a particular hobby, in which I have several active worldbuilding projects, some of which are likely to make it into ZHP's products. I am a 3D modeler trying to learn Blender, and a 2D artist trying to master the graphics tablet. Another hobby of mine is music; I play trumpet in two local ensembles.

I think that covers most of the basics. If anybody wants to ask me anything, feel free.
