Date aired:
17 Mar 2017
Link to Recording:
Show Length:
Around the World: 00:09:17
- SteamVR slowly making inroads to Linux, w/ many caveats for usage
- Xbox Game Pass - $10/month subscription games for Xbox One / Windows
- TMR completes every NES game, ever, in three years - 679 NA titles, 35 PAL exclusives
- Xbox Live Creators Program - spiritual successor to XBLIG, publishing w/o a publisher
- GDC 2017
- PAX East 2017
- Candy Crush to get a TV game show in Jul
- Nintendo Switch released; much hype, many purchases (wow)
- Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - huge (initial) commercial success, and a veritable system-seller
- Monopoly replacing piece mainstays thimble, wheelbarrow, and boot with penguin, rubber duck, and T-rex
- AMD's Ryzen processors released; benchmarks show processing parity w/ previous-gen Intel, some current-gen
- Night in the Woods released (it's awesome)
- Rogue Process greenlit - cross between command-line hacking and Sierra Adventure games
Bonus Level 1: 00:45:47
- Darangen - Find Your Way - Final Fantasy (OC ReMix)
- WASD - Monumental Subterranean eXploration - La Mulana (OC ReMix)
- Scandal Joy Kneel, Laarx - Re-Act - Command and Conquer (OC ReMix)
Personal Gaming: 00:58:49
- Duskers (PC: Quest for Semi-Glory; now complete)
- Titan Souls (PC: Quest for Semi-Glory; now complete)
- Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows (PC: Quest for Semi-Glory; now complete)
- Death Ray Manta (PC: Quest for Semi-Glory; now complete)
- Assault Android Cactus (weekly speedrun practice, all-androids run)
- Night in the Woods (PC; Tormod streams)
- Mario Kart 8 (Wii U; Tormod streams)
- World of Warcraft (PC)
- Dance Dance Revolution (arcade)
- Final Fantasy XV (PS4)
- Pathfinder (tabletop)
Bonus Level 2: 01:44:55
- Sentient Pulse - The Climb Above - Pokemon Red and Blue (OC ReMix)
- Cyril the Wolf - Seeing Red - Pokemon Silver and Gold (OC ReMix)
- DaMonz - Floor is Lava - Super Mario RPG (OC ReMix)
Ad-hoc Design: 01:56:50
- Endless Frogger
- Multi-branch, multi-genre adventure
- Tetris Worlds remake (arcade and balance-focused)
Full date:
Fri, 17 Mar 2017 19:00:00 CDT