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Gettin' your co-op on

Hello everybody,

Most of my previous posts have been centered around what I have been doing, or my projects in solo; it's about time credit is delivered where due, and well past time to highlight others' endeavors, especially where we intersect and the cool things that result.

This past Friday, myself, Tormod, and Saxxon collaborated on our first-ever co-stream - we took to the roads in an epic 5-hour (and change) streaming session of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (the results of which you can see here).  Given how things turned out, I'm excited at the possibilities of more co-streaming sessions - possibly on a more regular basis, maybe with slightly remixed format, etc.  There has been some mention of learning and running Zelda randomizers together, and that is but one of many things in the pipeline.

One other co-op project we've been running for a little over a year is a regular (as regular as we can make it) co-op stream with myself, Boris, and _006 - we most recently finished a session with Killing Floor, most of which is shown here (thanks to various recording failures, only a small low-quality portion made it through...oops).  The game for next month's session has yet to be determined.

Oh, and let's not forget the upcoming Assault Android Cactus 2P co-op campaign run myself and TucanSam will be presenting at SGDQ 2017; our timeslot is 03 Jul, 2:40 AM CDT.  We'll be tired!  And delirious!  And one of us may be singing, poorly!  I'm trying to archive our practice sessions, but recording a remote stream of a game intended for local play only has...mixed results; check here for our latest attempts (session 2 lost to the vagaries of < 1 FPS recording, yay).

On the development front, Boris has begun his small TRPG project, with very nominal advice from yours truly on code architecture; I expect this will yield something usable far sooner than my own project, for which I only have a design document (largely) prepared and the basic code branches set up.  Thanks to SGDQ being only two months away (!!), my focus is currently on mundane administrative stuff; like getting "business" cards designed for Quest for Semi-Glory (that still sounds weird) and actually making something happen on the very barebones site.

Still, there's every reason to expect the remainder of 2017 will continue being neat - our own little corners are starting to come together.

That's all for now.

