MrBond's blog

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PAX Prime 2013, day three

Hey everybody,

All the things happened today; so much so that I'm going to skip most of the smaller stuff (for now) and summarize three big things, then cover the rest in our post-PAX daily summaries and maybe a future news post or two.

One:  Tommy Refenes
We were lucky enough to be walking by the Mewgenics booth (the next game from Team Meat) while Tommy was there and relatively unmobbed.  So, naturally, we seized the opportunity to talk with him briefly, get a few photos, and even some quickie sketches (the contents of which would be best not shared here).  Suffice it to say, meeting him immediately put both of us into near-raving fan mode - he is one of my favorites, for sure.

Two:  Tim Schaefer
Not long after meeting Tommy, we walked a little further down the line and stumbled upon the Double Fine booth...and Tim Schaefer was there and also unmobbed.  So, we did what any sane fans would do, and had a brief chat, photos, and signings from him.  Following that, full-on fan mode engaged.  Out of respect, we couldn't / didn't keep him very long.  Just being near the guy was an experience.

Three:  Danny B and Ben Prunty
Some time later, we made another circuit in the Indie MEGABOOTH, and found Danny B.  Hugs, chats, and photos abound!  He is an absolute class act, and as genuinely friendly and affable as I thought he would be.  So, following some very cool photos (proof to be shared in a few days' time), he had to leave, but then...and this is a pretty crazy bit...we chatted with one of the other folks nearby, and it turned out to be Ben Prunty (composer for FTL and a couple of the games in the MEGABOOTH this year).  I love FTL, and meeting him so casually (he was quite friendly and modest) was nothing short of insane.

I cannot adequately describe how incredibly lucky we were to meet everyone this year.  There's still one day left, and a whole bunch more people to see, and one more update to report.  We'll do a short series of update episodes (to kick off / prime Journey 3 for Seeking Infinity), so you can hear us properly gush about all our experiences.  No question in our minds that PAX Dev plus PAX Prime are completely justified expenses.

That's all for now.

