iamboris's blog

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A Break From Game Dev

I’ve been on a bit of a break from game dev. I’ve been doing a little bit of speedrunning. We are also prepping for an Extra Life 2017 marathon. It’s all very cool stuff. 

In truth though, I’ve hit a bit of a block with developing the game. It’s main a design issue and not a technical issue. My current issue is because I can’t decide how I want things to work. I made simple changes to make it easier to make future changes. I can quickly make new types of enemies, and it’s really nice. Now the reality hits of, “What do I actually want this game to be about?”

I’m probably overthinking this too. Do I want it procedurally generated content, or do I want to design levels? How can I create enemies that are well-balanced? What is the fun factor?

They’re pretty nagging questions, and given everything else going on right now, I don’t really want to decide at this time. It’s frustrating, and I currently don’t want to spend too much time on something right now that I don’t like. The catch is that I won’t know what works until I try something. 

As part of my break, I’m trying my hand at making a Dungeons & Dragons 5e 1-shot. It will be based in Hyrule, and I’m hoping it ends up being fun. I’ll probably run it in the next couple of months. I’ll share the recording of it after it’s out there. 

As a Dungeon/Game Master, I’ll get to work with creating an experience for the players that they will have agency with. I’m looking forward to this and I’m hoping it recharges my creative battery. 
