MrBond's blog

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Final post-PAX writings

Hey everybody,

So now that the dust has cleared, I felt it best to write a little something more about PAX; specifically, all the stuff I bought or received gratis (mostly received), and all the stuff I gave away.  Here we go!

  • Business cards given out:  26
  • Business cards received:  26
  • Buttons/pins: 16
  • Postcards: 16
  • Immediate post-con contacts: 6
  • Shirts: 3
  • Soundtracks: 3
  • Posters: 2
  • Comics: 2 (both Mewgenics, one signed, one not)
  • Games: 2 at-con purchases, 2 immediate post-con purchases, infinity+ post-con purchases when they become available, 1 Kickstarter immediately backed (Neverending Nightmares)
  • Autographs: 2 (Tommy Refenes and Tim Schafer - love you guys!)
  • Documentaries: 1 (Amnesia Fortnight)
  • Keyboards: 1 (Corsair K70)
  • Lets of miscellaneous stuff - pens, keychains, bags, etc.

So even some of the monetary cost was recouped at the convention itself, along with the priceless human contacts made.  I cannot recommend enough for others of even passing interest to attend at least once.

In regards to the shitstorm of PA's whole 'Dickwolves' thing, my best advice is to consider it moderately; there's a lot of calls to boycott PAX altogether - that's a pretty worthless response, as I guarantee it will still sell out.  You can still attend without fearing that you are somehow supporting the 'wrong' side of things.  Me, I went for the contacts and the games, attended panels that struck my interest (none of which were PA-related), and generally absorbed the very positive environment that is the indie MEGABOOTH.  It's worth noting that Mike Krahulik officially apologized for the latest event - take whatever value you deem worthwhile from that, and move on.

That said, it's still entirely your call if you want to focus on the negative aspects.  I think those tend to get blown up to a much greater size than is deserved, but opinions are opinions.

We'll have our audio PAX recaps very soon, and after that, straight into Journey 3!  Love you all!

