Tormod's blog

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Slow news day

I haven't updated much lately, but I guess no news is good news. Been playing a lot of Fire Emblem lately, notably Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, the latter of which I've only barely scratched the surface on once again. Being from a genre I enjoy, it's nice to go back and play these guys again, but I'm anxious to get moving on our own TRPG offering, considering work has been slow since Farran started tackling end-of-semester stuff. Even still, our latest ideas and developments have been encouraging.

I'd like to pick up Final Fantasy VI again, but recently started playing a fanlation of Final Fantasy V with Mr. Bond. I started that game last summer some time, but ended up losing interest mostly due to the apathy that continually sets in when I play most games. Heck, I even started Final Fantasy XIII some two weeks ago, but never played it past that first time... I might need to do that again.

In any case, real work will have me busy through Memorial Day, and I'll be traveling that weekend, so time to play games is going to be slim for a while. Either way, I hope to hang out with Kit and get going on yet another Final Fantasy VI save, because the game's great and he's good company. Guess it's time to end this ramblefest..
Love and volcano bakemeat,
