Tormod's blog

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Mid-June update

The past few weeks have brought about another massive change in direction in our first game, this time shifting the game's focus to an earlier era in the same world. This gives our exposition a wholly different approach, as the society we're spotlighting is at its peak, and the primary landmass in the world isn't yet a desolate wasteland. Our gameplay mechanics are also changing to reflect the move, this time blending traditional and strategy RPG elements. These changes will (hopefully) result in a more established and gripping story - one that establishes the history of a world and its foremost civilizations, setting the pace for future titles.

The first game will focus on two types of magic: one being well-established, the other gaining importance as discoveries are made. Mages throughout the world are the most encouraging force in academics and industry, and their inner developments will allow for great strides in the fusion of magic and technology. Of course, things are never as easy as they seem.. as such, the game will focus intently on the repercussions of bending the world's energy to the will of humans.

Our latest developments have focused mainly on developing the main continent in the game's world - while it retains its largely desert biome, a nation at its peak sits at the center, its various regions featuring distinct natural formations and cultural differences that encourage exploration and quickwittedness. Much of the most recent work has revolved around improving our map, resulting in great diversification. Getting things on metaphorical paper, if you will, has allowed us to visualize how the world will evolve due to political changes, seasonal weather, and other magic-related causes that will be revealed later on. These changes have propelled us to develop further, so hopefully our momentum remains!

Zero Hour Productions as a studio is also changing, as we've finally decided on a brand image. Keep your eyes out for changes to the site!
Love and lava cookies,
