Tormod's blog

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A fine September ramble

Since I last rambled here, I had a chance to (thoroughly) enjoy my first PAX Dev, return to PAX Prime for the third consecutive year, and meet a handful of really awesome, geeky, spectacular people!  In the end, I'm left feeling like making games is ultimately the best career option for me, and I'm extremely excited to see things move along.

The PAX conventions led to many interesting conversations, panels, and fanboy moments, but perhaps most stunningly is the fact that Muteki's own PR coordinator lives just a few blocks away!  While we haven't had a chance to actually meet up here in Madison, we spent a good chunk of time nerding out over all there was back in Seattle.

Consequential to that meetup, we (ZHP) now have Dragon Fantasy Books 1 and 2 to try, which we'll be turning into our first public reviews, so that's exciting!  Also exciting is the prospect of actually using my PS3 for something other than Netflix (who knew?!).

Before all of that, though, Mr. Bond and I are still plowing through the first Lufia game on SNES, and once the Dragon Fantasy games are knocked out, we'll probably go back and hit up Lufia 2, considering everyone I've met who's played the game has fawned at its sequel, saying it's "sooooooooooo much better" than the first - the first, while old and a bit clunky, still has an incredible bunch of nostalgic charm to it, so I'm excited to see what 2 brings.

On the business end of things, we're trying Trello as a group, after having been urged to at Dev in one of the producer panels I attended.  So far it seems like a nifty way to view and classify tasks, and maybe it'll kick our collective ass into gear with getting things posted and accomplished.

We've also recorded our three post-PAX Seeking Infinity segments, which officially marks the beginning of Journey 3, even though Episode 1 is still probably a week out.  We did, however, pick our opener and closer themes and even have a special guest lined up who's super eager to help us kick off the Journey's theme of "the business of Indie development".  Very excited to get things going!

Outside of all of that, still deciding which platform I want to write music on, especially with the prospect of a Haswell-powered Surface Pro 2 being announced two Mondays from now.  Despite bills from PAX and other life things, I think I'm going to have to drop some money on the new hardware, considering the first iteration is pretty spectacular as is.  It would be REALLY NEAT to work on music on the go with the aid of a stylus.  Anyone familiar with pen input composition software?

My nights have been tremendously busy because of work work lately, but I'm hoping for things to calm down soon so I can enjoy the Fall that is certainly approaching - best season, best activities to do, especially in Wisconsin.  If any of you folks are in the area and want to meet up and game, go out, see the studio, et cetera, give us a hollar!

Love and lava cookies,
