MrBond's blog

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Making a 'Quest' official

Hey everybody,

Back when I started 'Quest for Semi-Glory', it was really just a test to see if streaming gameplay was viable, both from a technical and personal standpoint.  Well, now, I can say with reasonable certainty that it is something that will continue for the foreseeable future.  And thanks to the proliferation of fun, exciting, and difficult games, I have no doubt that there will be plenty of material for my quests now and forever!

You can catch the action on my Twitch channel; I usually stream two to three times a week, for about two hours at a time, and generally in the evenings of Central Daylight/Central Standard Time.  There's no hard-set schedule, since I move it around any other events or commitments during the week.

My goal during the stream is to have a ton of fun, and if I can also make progress in the game - whether that be advancing my completion, getting a new high score, and / or improving my skills - then all the better!  I don't have any strict rules as to how long I will play a given game; it's usually based on the general feeling I get, or how likely (or unlikely) I am to succeed through further play.

You can chat with me while I play, too, if you like - I pay attention to Twitch chat on my channel, and I'll happily converse with you even if I should be paying more attention to playing.  Be aware that there is ~6-8 seconds of lag between what's on my stream and when you see it.

But, for every shiny silver dollar, there are a few bits of tarnish to polish away, so here are some general disclaimer(s):

  • I receive no moneys - that is, no advertising, no arrangements of payment, nothing.  I don't want my desire to enjoy a game - and present my performance in an entertaining, informative, and cautionary fashion - to ever conflict with financial gain.  You will see no promotional material, unless Twitch sees fit to inject it themselves (at which point I would likely move to a different streaming venue).
  • I consider my streaming 'fair-use' - there's been some 'controversy' (term used loosely) as to what / if streamers should pay the developers for use of their games. My strong opinion is that, since I have no fiduciary duty either way with anyone - developer, publisher, whatever - my streaming of the game constitutes fair use.  Of course, should some legal representative for a given game contact me and state otherwise, I'll likely stop and / or take down my content.  If that happens, I will exercise my full right and privilege to recommend against those cases.
  • Show content is, in a general sense, 'mature' - many of the games I play may contain violent content, depictions of violence, or other 'adult' themes.  Add to that my penchant for salty language - i.e., I curse a lot - and you've got a mix that is firmly within the realm of 'PG-13'.  So, if you're a younger viewer, it's probably best not to repeat any of what I say.  And if you're an older viewer, or supervise younger viewers...well, I'll leave it to your judgement as to what is best.
  • All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone - I make no claims of objectivity or truthiness, and my statements do not represent any stance, official or otherwise, of Zero Hour Productions, now or in the future.  If I like a game enough to recommend its purchase, it is because I feel strongly about it, not because I was paid or otherwise pressured to say so.
  • If you want to link to or use my content, or quote me - fantastic!  I simply request that you give proper attribution back to me and the source of the video (i.e., a link back to the clip), as well as a link back to the game being played.  Because of complicated copyright issues, I cannot authorize use for commercial purposes - best to talk to the game's developer / publisher first, then talk to me after that.

Yay!  So, even though I don't have a set schedule as to when I stream, I always announce beforehand when it will happen.  So, watch my Twitter account (@mb_zhp) for the latest updates; and, if you're so inclined to watch, you have my sincerest appreciation.  Though I will play with or without an audience, there's a strong case of the warm-fuzzies when others are present.

Also, if you would like to catch up on my previous Quests, have a look-see at the various highlights on my Twitch channel; my current crowning achievement is this last-life, last-level success in 1001 Spikes!  I've done a couple other games, too - I started with LUFTRAUSERS, then moved on to TowerFall: Ascension; tomorrow (Saturday, 05 Jul) will be my last session on 1001 Spikes; then I move on to another game!

That's all for now.


