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My Mobile Game Rage

This will be a quick post. I came to a realization recently. I had been spending a ridiculous amount of time playing mobile games ranging from Candy Crush to Tiny Death Star. Then I started watching twitch.tv. Watching that lead me to understanding some issues I was having. I am sick of playing mobile games. I rage quit mobile games. I angrily deleted every mobile game off of my iPhone, and the only game related thing I have on there anymore is Twitch.

I realized that the lack of having an enveloping experience in games was making me angry. The mobile games did not allow me escape me stress and my problems. Instead, they consistently reminded me how little money I actually have. "Here, buy some more chances to play," or, "Wait an hour to play again." It was driving me insane!

Now, I'm finding my way back to console games. I've been heavily (as heavy as can be with a wife and two kids) playing Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4. It was quite the liberating experience. Since I have started playing these I have been more relaxed. Some introspection on this...

These games have a feeling of agency. My character affects the world. In most mobile games, you don't really matter. At most, some faceless cretin attacks your base, which will magically be rebuilt and protected for hours. RE4 has me moving around in the world, pulling the trigger, solving the puzzles. Some of it's luck, but most comes from skill. Candy Crush is half luck. That's what pissed me off the most about that game. Why should someone get a better score than me mainly because they are lucky?

Maybe I'm just a grumpy, old man now. Maybe I don't understand the kids today. The real sad part is that it's starting to make its way into console games. Why should I have to keep paying you money? Why cheapen the game by being able to buy an OP weapon that you would normally have to work to get? Screw this fastlane bullshit!

Anyway... Anything I work on, no matter if it would make me rich, I will not pull this crap in a game that I am part of!

- Boris
