MrBond's blog

MrBond's picture

The good and the bad (and the good)

Hey everybody,

Good-bad-good sandwich!  One brief bit of good news first - I've released a special thank-you video for all my lovely Twitch / Quest for Semi-Glory viewers!  Well, actually, I released it about two weeks ago; and I've said so a couple times on Twitter and during stream, but I'm also announcing it here!  This will likely be my last prod for you to check it out.  There are three game keys embedded in it, and while I would be suprised if any are still unredeemed, I'd very much appreciate if you could give it a watch anyways.  It's about 2.5 minutes out of your day - which does not translate very well from the 2.5 hours I spent making it, due to my subpar videography skills - but I'm reasonably proud and happy with how it turned out.  Thank you so much to everyone who has watched me thus far!

Now the bad news - I / we (incl. Tormod) won't be going to PAX in 2015.  Sad panda!  In my case, I simply won't have the financial werewithal to afford it.  This makes me especially bummed-out since PAX trips are always incredibly fun and refreshing (and exhausting) and PAX Dev/Prime 2014 was the best one yet!  I'm going to miss talking to all you fun indie devs and getting generally dazzled by the quality of stuff you produce.  Please pour one out for us, if you can - or better yet, have a drink for us (no need to waste that alcohol).

No, no, nothing super-terrible has happened, but it does lead right into...

More good news!  I'm building a house!  This endeavor pretty much knocks out all of my extra spending money for the next several years, and puts me back in debt for many more years to come.  Still, this was my significant goal for all that saving and living below my means for the past 5 years (and beyond), so I'm super-happy to be very close to achieving that life goal.  In four-months time, I will be moving into my new house, and then...well...I don't know what I'm going to do after that.

How does this affect things now?  I'll still continue doing Quest for Semi-Glory likely up until the week before the move, and then it will continue the week after (assuming all the connections / Internet service migration goes well).  So, a brief two-to-three-week hiatus will be in order, and then I'll be back stronger than ever!  Maybe.  We'll see.  March is only four months away!

That's all for now.

