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2014: The year that was

Hey everybody,

Allow me a few minutes to reflect upon 2014, the year that will (for CST folks, anyway) expire in a few short hours.  I will try to keep this fairly relevant, so as not to bore and / or wax philosophic upon some topics on which I have already been quite vocal.

This year has had some of the highest highs and lowest lows I have yet seen in my life, both personally, professionally, and with current events exposed through various means.  At the very start, my family and I were shocked by the diagnosis of a very serious illness afflicting my father.  We have since recovered greatly from that event, and while the specter continues to loom even now, we are hopeful and grateful that the worst has not come to pass.  As a result, I am acutely aware of my fundamentally emotional nature and reflective upon my efforts, previously, to suppress most of it.  Let's just say that exploring said nature is difficult (indeed, an understatement).

Some time in May (or was it June?) I piloted the first session of what is now Quest for Semi-Glory, a bi- or tri-weekly streaming on Twitch of whatever games I happen to be playing.  This is a strictly for-funsies endeavor, and I make no money (and don't plan to) on advertisements or other such nonsense.  The viewer response has been heartening, and I look forward to continuing in 2015; though, I'm at a loss, currently, as to how to expand, keep it fresh, and still be passably entertaining.

Fast-forward to August, and PAX Dev and Prime 2014, where I experienced my best PAX yet.  As in prior years, I talked with scores of new devs, plus saw many friends from other years.  I participated in (and won!) a Jamestown tournament, as well as entertained a small crowd with my sort-of-skills at Nuclear Throne.  My fondest memories of that time will forever be talking to Final Form Games (in particular, Tim Ambrogi) and Vlambeer (Rami Ismail and Jan Willem Nijman), as well as seeing (almost) everyone at Anisoptera Games nearly every day (their game, Reassembly, is in beta for Kickstarter backers).  A great time was had, and it is with some melancholy that I will not be able to return in 2015.

Parallel to PAX was the explosion of a 'controversy' (not the best word) we now know as 'Gamergate'; while the harassment and threats central to 'ethics in games journalism' (fuck right off with that blatant falsehood, really) has been operative since the gaming industry started, these things are now fully public. Thankfully, with the example of incredibly strong and resilient people - most of which, incredibly, are the targets of all the negativity - it seems to be on the mend.  2015 will be a long year for raising up the gaming industry; not just superfically, but making real progress.  While I am still only nominally connected to the industry myself, I am hopeful for the future.

And finally the endeavor I will be continuing until March of new house.  I have committed all of my current finances, and much of my time and energy since mid-September, toward the construction of my new home.  Unfortunately, this means much of my attention is drawn away from ZHP, and the monetary drain is such that a PAX trip this year simply isn't feasible.  However, the huge plus is that I will have a much larger and more comfortable space, as well as the peace of mind that I am settling down in the Madison, WI, area for some time to come.  The impermanence of apartment living has always stuck to the back of my mind, but it will be blown away very soon.  I am very excited, though words cannot accurately express it.

I sincerely hope your 2014s - all of them - saw much positivity, change, and / or - at the very least - a greater awareness of your humanity and connections to those around you.  Thank you for being wonderful people.

That's all for 2014.

