
MrBond's picture

2015: The year that will be

Hello everybody,

The year to come, 2015, will be one full of changes, and a few things remaining the same.  Here they are, in (rough) chronological order:

Company personnel changes
Geoff, aka 'Boris', is now 'not a contractor'.  In otherwords, he is joining Shane (Tormod) and myself (Mr. Bond) as principals at Zero Hour Productions - more on this below.  He has already embraced his increased participation with more regular blog posts.  To match, all of us will be posting at least monthly, with a good chance for more frequent content based on Insert Credit(s)' ad-hoc design sessions.  Speaking of...

Insert Credit(s): the continuation
Since its start in Feb 2014, Insert Credit(s) has been a lot of fun to produce; it will continue this way, on a slightly adjusted schedule - one episode per month.  The format will remain the same, as always, with transcripts (aka 'show notes') and recordings available shortly after the deed is done.  For other side-ish projects...

Quest for Semi-Glory: the questening(?)
As a semi-goofy pilot project, Quest for Semi-Glory (QfSG in writing now) became so much more than I anticipated.  2015 will see a full-force QfSG, continuing with the current frequency (2-3 sessions per week) to work through my backlog of awesome games.  Woah Dave! is the current game; the Quest, a full leaderboard conquest, so really the stream should be called Quest for Full-on-Badass-Glory, or similar, for now.  Extra vids and developments as they occur.

Life changes
I am moving in March, to a building I will entirely own, in due time.  Scary!  This means I will drop out for a bit during that time, as I will, inevitably, break all of my technology and bring it back to perfection (or something like that).

Project workings
Auspice is inactive; we simply don't have the appropriate resources to advance it.  For now, myself and Boris will be collaborating on a number of small, technically-oriented endeavors, including exploring new ideas and taking trod-out ideas to strange and wonderfu places.  Additionally, Boris' writings will take a more prominent position on the front, here, due to his...promotion?

PAX; or rather, no PAX
As stated before, neither Tormod nor myself will be able to attend PAX Prime in 2015.  Still setting leveling our sights at 2016, though!

That's all for now.

