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Consumption and Creation - A Four-Month Update

It's been a good long while since I've written here, mostly because I haven't had much to say, having taken a hiatus from working on Project Auspice. The summer and PAX have come and gone, leaving me with a few games completed! Saxxon and I have been forcing our way through the Final Fantasy series, having just ended VI last week. Of note, we ended the game with nearly 1M+ GP, 3 Economizers, all espers we could get, 4 Genji Gloves, the majority of rages and lores, and every available party member. We had a smattering of level 70+ characters, though most were in their high 40s when we took Kefka's Tower; only twice did we perish throughout the span of the game, and we raced through the tower at blistering speed, nothing able to stop us.

Saxxon played through IX, which was an incredibly charming game - it's often hailed as the last traditional Final Fantasy game, being completely menu-driven with an ATB gauge. Chocobo Hot and Cold was abused to its greatest lengths in that playthrough, as well as some leveling "gifts" the game offered us, allowing us to get strong parties early on in the game.

Oroboro and I are still working on the Tales of Symphonia remake for PS3, though I think we're going to be done very soon. Looking forward to wrapping that up!

I'm trying to find the ambition to continue forward on my Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X HD runs, and now that we're caught up on anime and such I'll probably get back into those again. I also mean to continue Mario Kart 8 so I'm less terrible at it next time I challenge people to play ;)

I've been curious about single-player and cooperative roguelikes lately, as well, and I think Saxxon is going to get me in on some variant of Nethack soon. I've always really enjoyed the concept of randomized labyrinths!

My Tuesday night Pathfinder campaign was put on hold indefinitely due to losing players to other obligations, which inevitably led to party members dying. Kiro Tsunde is still alive, but we opted to put that campaign on indefinite hold while we started something new. Unfortunately, one of our core players has obligations until mid-November, so it's been hard to feel ambitious about completing my character and attending the normal Tuesday night Skype call. I should probably get on that, eh?

Speaking of, my GM has created a Kickstarter entitled "Worldbox", which offers several tools for players and game masters to use in Pathfinder. Its features include character creation and management, map creation, monster and treasure generators, and more! This excites me greatly not only because it would help nervous wanna-be GMs get into the world of game mastering, but also because Paizo has such an open license for Pathfinder-related content being created. Definitely go check out Noah's Kickstarter and chip in if you want! It's mostly funded now, but Noah can use all the support people are willing to give.

All said, I'm glad I've been more into media lately. Once OS X 10.10 "Yosemite" is officially released, I hope to start working on learning some music composition fundamentals with Saxxon in regards to electronic music, then perhaps working on more orchestral things after that. I've been telling myself to get moving for the last two years, so I hope this new ambition helps. Lots of cool new software and features in existing tools have come to light recently, and they've piqued my interest greatly. The prospect of a grand piano in the next six months to a year is also very exciting!

As always, hit me up in the comments section with media suggestions!
