Tormod's blog

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March Update

Brief update for you all! Saxxon and I have been playing or watching a handful of games lately, including Bravely Default, Final Fantasy XII, and Legend of Blacksilver. I'm finally starting to get exposure to systems that existed prior to the NES; this pleases me greatly! Have also been listening to music done via FM synthesis, which I find extremely fascinating and hope to learn how to do myself in the futuer for demake purposes. I'm also contemplating completely rebuilding my music production machine in OS X once again after our move - will no longer need to host ALL of my media in this box and can rely on network storage. This will make things far easier on me when I go to create!

New job has been going well and still affords me time to play games, spend time with people, and destress. We've gone to Fur Squared and just recently Kitsune Kon, both of which were really nice breaks from the norm. Saxxon placed second at the Kitsune Kon DDR Extreme competition at Kitsune Kon even while sick! As always, great performance from him.

He and I keep getting music ideas - my latest one is a jazz/fusion version of this lovely theme from Pokémon Black and White - I want to switch it from 4/4 to 3/4, get the tempo up a bit, and add some variations! There's plenty of room for solo noodling; I'm really excited! Hopefully I get the ambition to knock this one out.

Anyhow, we'll be moving in the next month and a half, but will try to update again in the midst of things!
