MrBond's blog

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The year behind, the year ahead

Hello everyone,

Considering this post is two months late, even from the start of 2016, you can tell how far behind I am in even catching up from last time.  That said, let's take a look at what happened in 2015, and what is on tap for 2016.

I've written (briefly) about some events in 2015, so here's a quick recap.  I lost my father in July after a year-and-a-half battle with pancreatic cancer.  It was a horrible stretch in June and July, watching him slowly slip away from us, and having no way to fight back against it.  We were able to spend some time with him, and say our goodbyes, and I'm grateful for even that much.  Suffice to say, facing human mortality in those close to you does shove everything else aside.  Along with this, and purchasing a house, I simply did not have much energy to spare for the rest of the year.  2015 was pretty bad.

2016 will be turning around somewhat, as we (myself, Tormod, and Saxxon) will be going to PAX Dev and PAX West (fka PAX Prime) at the end of August into early September.  We missed PAX Prime 2015 for the aforementioned reasons, as well as monetary limitations, but we're committing to this year's events early.  While it will be many years before we're ready to present any of our own games at any convention (if at all), we're very much looking forward to meeting up with our friends old and new.  Development-wise, we've halted work on Auspice.  Considering how large it became, it is a relief to acknowledge it was not the best way to start.

Closer to home, we are continuing to work on Insert Credit(s), our monthly radio show / podcast where we talk about recent gaming news, design odd / unique / laughable games, and generally have a good time.  We're up to round 32, now, which means we have roughly 60 hours of podcast time logged, just for this series.  Tormod and I previously produced Seeking Infinity, a (relatively more) serious radio show / podcast examining genres of gaming and our own inroads to game creation.

My sort-of-side project, Quest for Semi-Glory, continues strong into 2016.  I stream on Twitch (and now Hitbox and Youtube Gaming) three times a week - Mon, Wed, and Fri at 7 PM CST/CDT - with full video archives posted to Youtube.  On top of that, myself, Boris, and _006 (space-double-oh-six) have started a monthly cooperative stream, Quest for Semi-Co-op.  Our current schedule is the fourth Saturday of the month at 9:30 PM CST/CDT.  Same Twitch, Hitbox, and Youtube links as above.  No plans to slow down on either of these!

So, 2016 will be a year full of neat things and neat people.  I am grateful to have these opportunities and, as always, look forward to the future ahead of us.

That's all for now.

