
MrBond's picture

PAX Prime, day four (final)

Hey everybody,

Today was decidedly lower-key, though it didn't seem any less busy on the show floor or in the panels.  Hit as much of the rest of the MEGABOOTH as we could, played some of the PAX10 (TowerFall among them - great game, would play again), and exchanged business cards with a few more devs.  No new major/minor celebrity sightings or fan moments.

We did attend a music panel with Jimmy Hinson (Big Giant Circles), Danny B (uh...Danny B), Grant Kirkhope, and Daniel Rosenfeld (C418).  The information shared there wasn't exactly new, but the interaction between those four was something else.

So what's next for us?  We're restarting Seeking Infinity very soon (times / dates TBA), to be focused on topics much more centered around game development and our successes and tribulations within.  First, of course, we'll do our recaps of PAX - who we saw, what we did, and what we pulled from the experience.  That should be coming the week after our return, assuming no crazy plague from the con hits us.

That's all for now.

