
Farran's picture

Busy Busy!

If anybody has been wondering where I am, suffice it to say that lately, especially this past week, I have been pretty busy.  School has stripped me of time in roughly the same way piranhas strip the meat off a cow.  Just, nothing has been actually that gruesome.

Starting at the university, I have a full load of four classes, which are Organismal & Evolutionary Biology, Organic Chemistry, Biostatistics, and World Archaeology.  The first and last of those are pretty heavy on reading, the second is online, and the third is... well, math (but has actually been pretty easy so far).  These classes are definitely much more interesting than most of the classes I have had thus far, so working up the will to work on stuff is much easier than before, it just still takes a lot of time.  Unfortunately, I cannot drive to campus because parking is horrible (and would be expensive), so I have to spend almost an hour dealing with buses each way unless I get lucky, which I am concerned is hurting my productivity.

That aside, I have been working passively on worldbuilding for our games.  Much of it at this point comes down to doing research on various ecosystems to make realistic assemblages in the world's environments and building cultures around the world they live in.  As a biologist, I have a thing for making sure that the environments look and feel real, and I have a particularly high standard for it.  Working in a little gaming between class and work has helped keep my interest up, especially since I finally tracked down a new copy of Disgaea DS, which is similar in genre to what we are interested in making.

In addition to that, I have been hunting for a new car these past couple of weeks, and the last week in particular saw some test driving and a tiny bit of travel to try to find something that works for me.  I looked at several things, was disappointed a few times, and finally wound up tracking down a Volvo 940, which is a very nice car and definitely the sort of thing I was looking for!  Not overly high mileage, old enough to do some maintenance and modification without worrying about fussy diagnostic computers, and pretty classy-looking, to boot.

As a result of all that, I have been pretty strung out this weekend.  I was out with my friends some today and yesterday, and I just did not have the energy to do much.  I am feeling a little better tonight, so I think things will turn around for me this week.  I have a few things to look forward to; my classes are starting to genuinely interest me, I am on the verge of obtaining a number of books I really want to read, and I may have an event to attend if I do not work on Saturday!  (Not counting on it, but....)

That is pretty much my state of affairs.

