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Gaming update

To be honest, I haven't played Pokémon in several weeks, and it would be unfair of me to write a review with as horrible a memory as I've got.  I did break open Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch a few weeks ago, but really only ended up playing it for a couple hours before I went and did something else that day.  That said, it's probably the next game on my list once Kat and I finish slogging through the anime Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

Since my last update, Farran now has my old 3DS XL and Pokémon Y, which, as I've been hearing regularly, he's been thoroughly enjoying.  Boris has been silent up until today, and Mr. Bond has been busy with his own stuff, it seems.  With my vacation in less than two weeks, I'm pretty sure that a certain Sanzo and I will end up trolling through several games on the Wii, probably also watching the infamous Vietnamese "English translation" of Pokémon Gold even more.

If I had to say which game I played the most in the last month, I'd likely say Street Pass Mii Plaza's Find Mii II, considering I was at Midwest FurFest two glorious weekends ago and passed several hundred folks.  If anything, the 3DS is a fun device to bring to crowded areas with lots of gamers!

Outside of that, I haven't got much else to say - things have been rather slow lately, but we're quickly approaching the tail end of the year here and still have at least one or two major holidays to contend with.  Perhaps I'll do more gaming!
